Khaki Hijab Shawl 7547HK

Product Code : 7547HK
599.90 TL
249.90 TL
NET %20 İNDİRİM 199.92 TL
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Khaki Hijab Shawl 7547HK
599.90 TL
249.90 TL
NET %20 İNDİRİM 199.92 TL
  • Features
    ​There are no refunds or exchanges for shawls and scarves.
    Fabric Feature: 100% Polyester
    Product Feature: It is a new season product and is made of cotton fabric. It is suitable for use in four seasons. It takes shape easily, stands firm and upright. Fade and wrinkle resistant, does not slip.
    Product Length: 180X70
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